"Please enter the path for vc60.pdb" question
2010. 1. 3. 19:33
If you are building/debugging a DLL, the most typical reason is that the DLL
is loaded from a wrong location (e.g. an old version gets loaded).
When debugging, open Modules window (Debug | Modules) and check
the path to the DLL.
If you are working with an .exe, it is possible that wrong executable is specified
in project settings. Compare the following settings:
- Project | Settings | Debug | General | Executable for debug session
- Project | Settings | Link | General | Output file name
They must point to the same .exe file. And again, Modules window can
be used to check the path to the .exe file when debugging.
Also I would recommend to use /pdbtype:con linker option
to merge all vc60.pdb files into the final pdb file of the executable module:
- Project | Settings | Link | Debug | "Separate types" - must be unchecked